Renew A Roof - Types of Conservatory Conversions

Renew a Roof

Conservatory Roof Conversions

Conservatory Types

No matter what type of conservatory you have we will be able to design and install a new roofing system.

Lean To
Is a type of conservatory with a slanted roof that attaches to the side of a house.
Is a classic conservatory style that's characterized by its symmetrical shape, flat front, and pitched roof with a central ridge.
Is a traditional style of conservatory with a steeply-pitched roof, a multi-faceted front, and heavy ornamentation.
Also known as a gable-end conservatory, is a type of conservatory with an upright front roof that forms a triangle shape.
Combines a lean-to and a Victorian or Edwardian conservatory to create the shape of the letter P.
Or glass reinforced plastic roofing, is a weatherproofing material made from layers of polyester resin and glass fibers.